TOP TEN Amateur Poker Mistakes


February 17, 2025

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Profit in poker is made off bad players making mistakes. Identifying the mistakes our opponents are making is one of the keys in selecting a profitable game to play. This has the added benefit of identifying and plugging leaks in your own games as well. 

  1. Poor Mechanics 

Doesn’t know the rules or how to handle the chips or cards very well.

2. Overall Poor Technique

Checks when they should Bet, Calls when they should Fold, etc.

3. Plays too many hands to be profitable

Objective is “playing” rather than playing profitably

4. Generally Plays too passively

Checking and calling too often instead of betting and raising

5. Gives off too many “Tells”

Has Physical, Emotional or Betting Tells that reveal the relative strength of their hand

6. Goes on “Tilt” and compromises technique

Can’t control emotional responses – no poker face

7. Ineffective Bet or Raise Sizing

Maximizes losses and minimizes wins

8. Draws bad or dead

Chases drawing hands with unfavorable odds

9. Doesn’t Track Results

Doesn’t keep records or learn from results

10. Poor Game and Seat Selection

    Plays in bad or unprofitable games

    Video Link:  Top Ten Poker Mistakes

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    I’m a poker coach, and I can help you turn your weaknesses into weapons.

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